Sirpa Mäenpää
Thematic expertise: Broad support to peace processes. Turning lessons learned to concepts. African Union in mediation. Women mediators and women’s inclusion in peace processes.
Regional/country-specific expertise: Africa and the Middle East - stationed in or accredited to Ethiopia, Kenya, South Sudan, Somalia, Djibouti. Southeast Asia - stationed in or accredited to Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Lao PDR. Central America - stationed in Nicaragua
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Sirpa Mäenpää served in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland for more than 35 years. She had been Finland’s Ambassador in Thailand and in Ethiopia. Since 2016 she acted as Ambassador for Mediation in the Political Department and in the established Centre for Peace Mediation. She retired from the Ministry in 2022. She has worked actively in the Women Mediator movements.