NWM Denmark consists of 13 members who each in different ways are involved in international peacebuilding, mediation, and conflict resolution. The members have a broad range of professional backgrounds, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, multilateral and regional organisations such as the UN and the EU, civil society, academics, police and the military. As the members live in Denmark and abroad, the diversity of their expertise and geographical knowledge is relevant for all phases of peace processes and local peacebuilding.
NWM Denmark works to:
Promote and support the inclusion of local women in peacebuilding, peace processes and peace negotiations in conflict-affected areas;
Promote and support the participation of Danish women in international conflict resolution, peace mediation and peacebuilding;
Strengthen, update, and maintain the capacity and ability of the network to pursue the above mentioned.
The network focuses on three main activities: 1) sharing of knowledge and experience, 2) further professionalisation, and 3) providing inputs to decision-makers and opinion-makers, latest though advocacy in relation to the National Action Plan for Women, Peace & Security.
The network meets regularly to share experiences, prepare activities for advocacy, and discuss current thematic, political, and conflict-related situations. Each year, the network selects a steering group of three or four people who have the overall strategic responsibility and ensure that the content of the meetings is relevant and directly linked to one of the three aims of the network. Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is the operational partner of NWM-Denmark.